  • Synagogue ServicesA community that prays together stays together. Join us for regular daily, shabbat and holiday services in a warm, friendly environment. Read More
  • Planned GivingHelp ensure a bright future for Judaism in our community. Leave an eternal legacy to the Jewish community. Remember Chabad in your will. Read More
Learning & Inspiration
  • Who “Invented” the Holiday on 15 Shevat?When did Tu Bishvat become a thing, and why specifically now? Read More
  • The Pleasure Principle The Fifteenth of Shevat celebrates the New Year for Trees and the marks the beginning of a new fruit... Read More
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Feb. 13
Daily Thought
When you look at a human being, you see his hands working, his feet walking, his mouth talking. You don’t see his heart, his brain, his lungs and kidneys. They work quietly, inside. But they are the essential organs of life. The world, too, has hands and feet—those who are making the news, moving things around, shaking things up. The heart, the inner organs, they are those who work quietly from the inside, those...
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Shalom and Welcome!

Young Israel of Pembroke Pines/Chabad of Century Village serves the religious and the non-observant, the affiliated and non-affiliated, young and old and all in between. We're dedicated to educating local Jews about their heritage and strengthening their Jewish connection. Acceptance of every individual on his or her personal level, regardless of background or prior experience is the hallmark of Chabad across the globe.

Young Israel of Pembroke Pines is affiliated with the National Council of Young Israel. It is located within Century Village of Pembroke Pines, FL. The Shul opened in 1990 and grew as the Village was being built. Our building was completed in 2002. It houses the sanctuary, a social hall, kitchen, office and library. We are an over-age-55 resort style community serving the needs of seniors in a dynamic setting. The membership is a wonderful group of caring individuals who live here year round and "snow birds" who join us for the winters. Members are from different areas of the US, Holocaust survivors and local people who purchased a condo within the Village. Everyone is welcome in this friendly, Chabad atmosphere.

Everyone is welcome regardless of their personal level of religious observance. The philosophy is in keeping with the Chabad-Lubavitch approach of joy, scholarship and unconditional acceptance and love for every Jew. The services are traditional, and are conducted in a joyous, casual atmosphere. Many of those who attend cannot read Hebrew, yet everyone feels at home. The prayer book is bi-lingual and various English readings will be included in the service. Song and commentary add meaning and participation to the prayers. Please allow yourself the opportunity to visit and participate in our vibrant congregation. By becoming a member at Young Israel/Chabad of Century Village you will acquire lifelong friendships, an opportunity for spiritual growth, and most importantly a chance to be a part of your Jewish community. Please feel free to visit us for services or any other program, or just stop in to say hello. For more information or to arrange a meeting with the Rabbi, please call 954-533-6366 or email [email protected]

We look forward to welcoming you!

Rabbi Shimon and Liba Andrusier and Family
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